Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Capturing images of the workplace from office, engineering to processing plant for promotional use, training or health & safety.
Creating images of business events & conferences, sales functions, company presentations, training or demonstrations.
New builds, construction and architectural feature images from designers, architects, construction companies and manufactures.
Interior & lifestyle images for architects building companies & interior designers. Also for home furnishing manufacturers.
Working across the hospitality sector from hotels to restaurants, bars & pubs to artisan cafés & deli, cocktail lounges & whiskey bars.
A full product studio exits to handle all items from furniture to valuable jewellery, lifestyle as well as catalogue or 'clipped' images.
Creating images the length of the food chain and in hospitality for digital and print uses, menus, packaging & promotion.
We not only correct and enhance our own images - we do it for clients as well. Priced by the image for simple cost calculation.
A commercial photographer, video producer and corporate content creator, with clients ranging from small engineering firms to corporate banks and multi nationals. Creating images, video or content that demonstrates a brand's promise and values. YRSCommercial, Leamington Spa Corporate Photography & Video.
YRSCommercial, photography & video for businesses in Leamington Spashire.
A specialist corporate and business photographer, video producer and content creator. So what is a corporate photographer or business photographer? Is it the same as a commercial one? Why do you need a commercial photographer? Or do you need a corporate, business photographer. Questions, questions, questions...
In short they are all the same. We focus on commercial or personal branding and expression of your brand promise or value.
The key issue is that all these three descriptions relate to one key value you obtain when you hire this kind of professional 'business led' photographer or video producer - the understanding of selling a product, service or brand message/statement. If we didn't understand your product or service you deliver and equally importantly the brand promise you offer, then - we couldn't create a commercial image. So always ask for a specialist not a generalist photographer.
YRSCommercial, Leamington Spa Corporate Photographer. A Leamington Spashire corporate photographer & video.
So a good definition for a professional commercial photographer, corporate business or otherwise would be: someone who can create a 'selling' image or express your business and brand proposition visually.
That's why commercial (yes, corporate and business photographers) photographers and studios, whilst dealing with a wide range of business image needs from corporate brochures to point of sales materials, are really very highly specialised and rarely generalists...
So we don't... do weddings. We don't do sport images (unless its for fun!!), no bumps or boudoir etc. The only portraits we do are for business and public relations uses - corporate portraits.
Our clients can be owners - especially small businesses - but also range from product managers, public relations teams, website designers business owners, marketing communication staff and companies, throughout Leamington Spa and the whole of the UK. If you're looking for workplace images, why not go to the workplace gallery and see what we can do for you.
Well it can represent a wide variety of things - images or photographs for corporate or
product brochure-ware, business websites, sales promotional literature or corporate statements, sales person presentations, industrial event support or sales event PR support.
The commercial photographer has to turn their hand to all these business and corporate requirements and one key thing we find our business clients like, is that we do not think the same image will work across all the mediums or uses. Therefore, we shoot specifically on an individual by individual media platform basis for each of their business, corporate or commercial tasks - a sale presentation image, needs to sell a business or a product differently to that of a commercial photograph for say, a brochure or perhaps branding process.
So that's where we as a commercial UK photographer studio 'think' a little differently, when you as a business engage us for general commercial photography, corporate image creation or invite us into any industrial environment to work.
We take a very strong brief. We ask you about your business or product, service pitch, your product or business brand value and and the sales proposition you need to convey.
We need to understand, what is your brand promise and more importantly how are your competition doing it.
We then ask you how the image is to be used and then we tell you the ideas we have - before even touching a camera. That way we get the photography right first time - the image in the 'can' easier.
So, our slogan? We don't do simple generic commercial work. We only do targeted commercial photography that does the job first time.
YRSCommercial, Leamington Spa Corporate Photographer.
There was once a time when images had a fairly narrow use - brochures, event back-drops and of course the press. Not to say that this isn't still the case - but we now shoot for a much broader range of communications elements, technology has arrived and business has adapted to use this to promote their products. Website photography.
We shoot business images that range from product photographs, catalogue images through to proposition website banners - yes, expression of the proposition or the value statement of the brand - a little like advertising photography in which the brand or item sits. We shoot employee portraits for use in Linkedin or social media, as well as the corporate pages of the website.
YRSCommercial, Leamington Spa Corporate Photographer.
Much of our work these days; thanks to the change in marketing investments; is with web designers - creating images for product, company and public relations websites, which also include specialist blogging pages. This leads us to creating images that have to be formatted in website design styles - perhaps capturing an image to support a product statement online - perhaps a new product resale statement. Either way, we not only have to consider the selling proposition of the product to create the image but also the design requirements of an external website design consultancy or perhaps internal website design team. Luckily as we have had over 30 years experience in design-side businesses so we can simply and effectively work with most marketing clients and their designers, discussing the needs for both 'camps' so to speak and then create the image need.
Whether it be a politician meeting a CEO, the launch of a new product range or a language connection website, commercial images for social media use are ever growing in importance - even with the data implications of GDPR. Companies like to use a blend of 'selfies' and professional business images - all have to be real-time, produced and delivered for publication instantly. At a conference we are shooting and uploading the action of sales teams and marketing staff as they interact with clients. At a presentation and award evening we take commercial event images of the process, speaker portraits and of course capture their delivery - again all uploaded in real time. A nice example of a strong story and images to support it for press can be found here. You can see the client examples website here on our case study library or read more about our client here.
Why a selective discussion for Internet advertising? Well creating good 'Internet led' commercial and business images for this, is really difficult - you only have small amounts of space to create the image and execute the propositions, value statement and of course support the call to action. Impressive eh! But we do and more importantly we work with Internet designers to cut and shape the images to fit such narrow size options within Internet banners, pop-ups and sliders. Always sales or brand proposition led and as creative as we can make them.
Can we leave this out? Oh no! Whether the brochure is for shareholders, customers or partners in channel, our commercial and business images are used to convey an argument - not only at the top level of the business brand, but lower down as well - the tanker drivers care to the elderly as he delivers fuel oil in the snow and not just an image of the oil companies corporate headquarters! As print seems to be heading to the horizon of the past for many commercial clients, our images are used in on line publications, PDFs, ebooks and of course company statements, share holder reports and much much more that can be called loosely brochure-ware. So when we cut images for brochures and print tell us if you want to use them in PDF format - we cut our print images to 300dpi and then we can cut you a set to 96dpi for PDF use - saves you time but at 96 rather than 72dpi the images look much far more crisp.
One of the fastest growing areas we work is now the capture of a process with commercial or industrial photography to accompany a data sheets - for health and safety in specialist industries, for company handbooks, use of software or a tool such as a lathe. The content these images support then explains for both education use and in some cases sales promotional use the process or product use taking place.
As you would expect this is another huge area of business for the commercial photography studio. We are asked to create product use to show its purpose in a controlled fashion - this then becomes the sales image - whether the mixing of shampoo ingredients for a specialist wholesaler or the making of specialist teas, customer made oatcakes in a bakery or the slicing and presentation of smoked salmon.
These images sell the product - different to data sheet photography which is about showing the process in its cold clinical form. With point of sales materials - the images must simply say buy-me and here's why! Point of sale material photographs. A little like all promotional materials point of sale images created by us here at YRSCommercial, are proposition led. The key thing for POS materials is the shape or size of the space the images has to work in. And thanks to our background in marketing and material design - we do it very effectively - we make the image fit the space not through cut and crop, but through creation of the image to fit the space in the camera! You as a client get a better image and your designers have an easier job working with the image.
With many of our larger clients such as RBS, Dobbies or Orion Engineering the creation of photographs for corporate relations CSR and shareholder materials is paramount. The images we have created are a blend of both formal and education - helping to support the business critical information on which investments are made. Clear, qualified images that support a given extract or part of a company report. And there's more...
YRSCommercial & YRSFood. Leamington Spa Commercial, Business, Industrial, Food, Architectural, Interiors , Press & Product Photography. YRSCommercial, photography & video for businesses in Leamington Spashire.