Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Capturing images of the workplace from office, engineering to processing plant for promotional use, training or health & safety.
Creating images of business events & conferences, sales functions, company presentations, training or demonstrations.
New builds, construction and architectural feature images from designers, architects, construction companies and manufactures.
Interior & lifestyle images for architects building companies & interior designers. Also for home furnishing manufacturers.
Working across the hospitality sector from hotels to restaurants, bars & pubs to artisan cafés & deli, cocktail lounges & whiskey bars.
A full product studio exits to handle all items from furniture to valuable jewellery, lifestyle as well as catalogue or 'clipped' images.
Creating images the length of the food chain and in hospitality for digital and print uses, menus, packaging & promotion.
We not only correct and enhance our own images - we do it for clients as well. Priced by the image for simple cost calculation.
Managing a business so that it's impact on the environment is as small as possible. Digital photography helps, so does recycling and waste management.
YRSCommercial, photography & video for businesses.
How are we doing our bit to improve our impact on the environment? Our studio is a very green environment - and it is the philosophy of the studio. Printing is kept to a minimum unless to order, we run a total paperless office, you will be emailed invoices or statements and only those who have poor internet connections and make this clear to us, will receive printed alternatives.
Waste levels are monitored and a target of less than 3% has been set. We only use PC towers in the studio, which are upgraded. We keep laptops to a minimum and usually only used for on-site or remote shoots - we believe laptops have limited long-term value as they have poor upgrade options and so you end up with a pile of them as they grow old adding to the landfill. We only use a tablet as a display tool and it is kept to that level, so it will rarely be replaced unless very old or faulty.
Upgrades reduce the impact on the environment hugely through waste reduction and the unnecessary throw-away society that consumables create. Waste levels that do exist are managed though composting, septic tank management and selective landfill use.
The business partly runs on solar energy and is constantly moving to a more environmental friendly working condition.
Most assets are procured second-hand to reduce carbon footprint and our travel is managed to again reduce our CO2 or pollution contribution to the environment. We try where-ever possible to use recycled materials in the studio from toilet paper to ink cartridges and where-ever possible use recyclable packaging - not plastic.
YRSCommercial, Commercial Photographer.
We keep all food waste down to a minimum although we are limited to what can be retained for alternative use (feeding our dogs etc.!) by any amendments we make to the product, e.g. matting spray etc.. If pure and unchanged - all food items are effectively recycled in the Labradors, Russells & Staffies! Things they do not, are recycled into compost. We only get one dustbin collection for each of the studios every two weeks.
As a certain retailer keeps reminding us... every little helps!
To read more about our studio, go to our about page. Don't forget to look at our business pages from the menu selection, how can we help.
YRSCommercial, Commercial Photographer.
YRSCommercial & YRSFood. Commercial, Product, Hospitality & Food specialist, Architectural & Interiors Photographer.