Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Capturing images of the workplace from office, engineering to processing plant for promotional use, training or health & safety.
Creating images of business events & conferences, sales functions, company presentations, training or demonstrations.
New builds, construction and architectural feature images from designers, architects, construction companies and manufactures.
Interior & lifestyle images for architects building companies & interior designers. Also for home furnishing manufacturers.
Working across the hospitality sector from hotels to restaurants, bars & pubs to artisan cafés & deli, cocktail lounges & whiskey bars.
A full product studio exits to handle all items from furniture to valuable jewellery, lifestyle as well as catalogue or 'clipped' images.
Creating images the length of the food chain and in hospitality for digital and print uses, menus, packaging & promotion.
We not only correct and enhance our own images - we do it for clients as well. Priced by the image for simple cost calculation.
width="210" height="45" alt="YRSCommercial, Commercial Photography." title="YRSCommercial, Commercial Photography.">
We retain the copyright to all our images. We issue images under licence. We impart perpetual licences only on request. We protect our copyright as we are protecting our clients investment.
Not the nicest of pages we have to write but we have to still do it. All our images are protected by copyright. We will enforce our commercial copyrights in whatever land the infringement takes place, so please do not copy our images. We use image tracking agents such as Plaghunter & Lapixa to help us monitor use. And as for our website content and meta data, please use your own. Copying of content is still prohibited by copyright law. We will pass those who use our content and meta data to our legal team to pursue. And we will pursue charges. Please read out terms and conditions - the link is here and repeated in the links below.
All content on this website including but not limited to photographic work is protected under copyright laws. Copyright © Your Reflection Studio and the photographer.
Any use of the images contained within this website is strictly forbidden unless otherwise stated below.
You may:
Link to any page on this website, but not directly to the images themselves.
You may not:
You may not a) download a copy of the images or meta data for your own use, private or commercial, b) sell electronic or printed copies of the images and content on this website. c) Publish these images in any magazine, newspaper, website or other media outlet without express written permission from me, d) make any commercial use or gain from these photographs by whatever means, e) lLink directly to images stored on this website, f) claim the credit for any of the images on this website in any form or g) make any physical copies or prints of these photographs in any form, for any reason.
Please do not copy the images or the CONTENT - including meta data - from this site in whole or in part - all is copyright protected and due to excessive copying of meta data that has happened in the past, is now being monitored by our legal teams. Copying of content is prohibited by copyright law.
By viewing this website and downloading any image from this website you automatically accept the above conditions. Should you have any questions please get in touch.
Yes, without exception we shoot all our commissions under licence. It will be on your quotation we have sent one (sometimes we agree to shoot something whilst in transit and simply move to it, such as multiple PR shoots. In this case can cannot always send a quote - it's all verbal, but it will be shot under licence) and on your invoice. It is on the front page of the document and before the total price. It cannot be missed. It is below the itemised price breakdown - clearly in view. Please always read this. At quotation stage only, we can adjust its terms should it be requested. It looks like this:
The first line states we retain copyright of the image and we reserve the right to use the image in the promotion of the studio. The second line is to whom the licence is directed - a client by name; if an individual; or the company which may use the image. Then below this the brand that the image may be used with, if the client or the client's business is brand rather than company driven. In short, the image must be used by and inconjunction with the client name or its associated brand unless you get our permission - each and everytime.
Loaning an image out to a partner or retailer requires our permission - even if they are your best supplier, partner or retailer. You cannot assign image use in any way and the image when used has to be associated with your brand/company - not used to sell something else, such as a quick or passing reference to the client brand e.g such as selling a directory editorial, which clearly sells the directory or publication in which the client has a passing reference in the supplier list somewhere.
Next on the licence you will see the duration of the licence. We work on three years after which you will be BILLED to continue using the image(s) further - in effect you are renewing your licence. The bill is based upon a percentage of the original licence value and is in the terms and conditions that are attached to the quotation, order confirmation (if any) and invoice. We can offer lifetime licences, which incur a small charge right up front and this means you do not have a renewal charge. Ask us about this, if this is of interest. We reserve the right to change the percentage charged for renewal without notice.
Sometimes we are specific to a number of images supplied under licence although we normally give you all the images. Then the next section is rights granted. Please tell us up front if you intend to use the images beyond one medium for example your website. Then we will grant multi use. This will not affect the price but it will affect how we police the licence or those we employ to police the licence. At the same time if you intend to use the image a lot and not just once - again please tell us. Currently we do not charge any different price between single use of the image and continued multipe use of the image - but we would like to know so again the licence may be policed properly.
The next line is the transfer of licence or the permission to use. Sorry you can only use our images once payment is made in full. We are flexible and appreciate payment runs in accounts so please tell us upfront how you intend to pay. We will be flexible and work with you. However, late payment beyond those agreed terms will result in the licence to use not being transfered.
Lastly, use of our images in the press. The meta data of the image can be lost through copying. In it, it says copyright protected and who to credit - your-reflection.co.uk or YRSCommercial. You are required to do this no matter who manages the use of the image - PR company or marketing company - they have to place the credit with the image. If you gain permission to use the image with a partner and they do not tell their PR company etc to use the credit - the problem is yours - as our client - not theirs, as the licence is with you. So please do us a favour and ask them to put the credit with the image.
Licence explained.
YRSCommercial & YRSFood. Commercial, Product, Hospitality & Food specialist, Architectural & Interiors Photographer.