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Thurso Food Photographer.

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Thurso Food Photographer - YRSFood Images.

Thurso Food Photographer. Food Product Photography Specialist.

Just who are YRSFood, what do they do?

YRSFood. Food Photographer.YRSFood, a food photographer working throughout Thurso. A food photography specialist that works UK wide - a lot of our work is done on site - our clients premises. The food studios are run by a commercial photographer, with over 33 years marketing expertise as well as 16 years commercial photography.  It is our aim when we take photographs for clients, to bring your products or dishes to life - show the texture... yes, imagine the taste and enjoy the use of colour. YRSFood Food Photographer.

YRSFood, Thurso Food Photographer.

YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Baked Goods Example 1.
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Gastro Pub Example 2
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Catering Example 3
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Cocktails Example 4
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Gastro Pub Example 5
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Baked Goods Example 6
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Fine Deserts Example 7
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Dairy Products Example 8
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Baked Goods Example 9
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Restaurants & Menu Example 10
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Restaurants & Menu Example 11
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Restaurants & Menu Example 12
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Gastro Pub Example 13
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Gastro Pub Example 14
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Restaurants & Menu Example 15
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Restaurants & Menu Example 16
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Recipes & Cookbooks Example 17
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer  Recipes & Cookbooks Example 18
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Recipes & Cookbooks  Example 19
YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Meat & Poultry Products Example 20

YRSFood, Highlands Food Photography.

Thurso food photography. Award winning food photographer, successful throughout the United Kingdom. As a professional food photography business, we help companies, food business owners, entrepreneurs and food media with our simple approach to food photography, also our fixed price service packages. YRSFood, Food Photographer Thurso.

YRSFood Thurso Restaurant Photography

Our clients & the food photography we do for them.

YRSFood Food PhotographyOur clients aren't just large though, they are industry wide and range the Thurso Food Photographerentire food and drink industry spectrum - small smoke houses and butchers, game suppliers and dairy producers, as-well-as many of the restaurants.   We cater through our current studio facilities for all forms of food photography, both studios have facilities to cater for most food product with storage facilities to keep it fresh and when required, kitchen and cooking options as needed. If you require set piece and lifestyle options no problem.

We have a range of lifestyle sets, which can be used to bring your product to life - bespoke or template studio set. Many of our clients send us product if it is possible by courier - although if the product you produce is highly perishable and needs absolute freshness, then we either collect it  ourselves or shoot it on site. To handle shoots that are on-site we have portable studio units and bring props and backgrounds that will complement the shoot.
YRSFood, Food Photographer Thurso. YRSFood Food Photography

YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer.

YRSFood, more than just food photography, we do styling too.

YRSFood Food PhotographyWe don't just deal with photography here in the studio, we often work as the sole food stylist ourselves or with an alternative skilled professional stylist - it all depends on what the client wants. Our props store is now getting very large to cater or all tastes - contemporary or traditional.

Backgrounds range from rustic to polished marble, traditional slate to a wide range of weathered timbers. We also have a wide range of fabric backgrounds, which we can use depending on your style choice.  Tableware - we have over 2000 pieces, which normally means we can cover most requests.

The same for other props of the kitchen, dining place or even specialist areas so as catering, chocolate and brewing even!

YRSFood, menu & catering food as well as restaurant photography.

If you're in doubt ask for a client list and a portfolio - we'd be delighted to send you one. As for partners - we work with website designers, print design communications consultants and media agencies in and around Thurso. But not just there - we do this UK wide.YRSFood Food Photography


YRSFood Thurso Food Photographer Hospitality

Not Not all our food photography is editorial, we do packaging too.

YRSFood Food PhotographyYes, we also do packaging images - these may be styled and creative, they may also be simple clipped out images - PNGs ready to lift and use on packaging.  We often get a simple brief from the client or agency and then work with the designer and their packaging mechanics to shoot the image specific to the shape and form of the packaging used. 

Thurso Food PhotographerLifestyle images for a recipe or the use of a product as an ingredient is often the background brief.  Here we bring all the creativity not just for an advertising image but a recipe or editorial purpose and may include images of the process as well as the finished dish.  We even do a little bit of video! YRSFood, Food Photographer Thurso.

The food photography approach is often a blend of 'limited-lifestyle' shot to an commerce background (white) or a simple product shot like a biscuit and crumbs again set to a white background.  We then ship the PNG files direct to your designers.  Lastly, lets not forget our work in publishing and editorial. YRSFood, Food photographer Thurso.YRSFood Thurso Food Photography

YRSFood West Midlands Food Photography

YRSFood, food photography in the Highlands.

YRSFood, Thurso Food Photography. YRSFood (Your Reflection Studio), working with restaurants and food producers throughout West Midlands. We work with business, media and editors, creating images of food, menus and packaging, all over the UK.

YRSFood, photography for food businesses in the Highlands.

| Thurso Food Photographer | Thurso Food stylist | Thurso Restaurant Food Photography | Thurso Hotel Photography | Thurso Food Photography | Thurso Bistro Photographer | Thurso Café Photographer | Thurso Menu Photographer | Thurso Chef Photographer | Thurso Pub Photographer | Thurso Bar Photographer | Thurso Wine Bar Photographer  |  Thurso Cookbook Photographer  |  Thurso Food Recipe Photographer Thurso Food Publishing Photography
Thurso Food Photographer