Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Creating commercial images for business clients, from the very small to the largest PLC, expressing brand values & proposition.
Capturing images of the workplace from office, engineering to processing plant for promotional use, training or health & safety.
Creating images of business events & conferences, sales functions, company presentations, training or demonstrations.
New builds, construction and architectural feature images from designers, architects, construction companies and manufactures.
Interior & lifestyle images for architects building companies & interior designers. Also for home furnishing manufacturers.
Working across the hospitality sector from hotels to restaurants, bars & pubs to artisan cafés & deli, cocktail lounges & whiskey bars.
A full product studio exits to handle all items from furniture to valuable jewellery, lifestyle as well as catalogue or 'clipped' images.
Creating images the length of the food chain and in hospitality for digital and print uses, menus, packaging & promotion.
We not only correct and enhance our own images - we do it for clients as well. Priced by the image for simple cost calculation.
A product photographer working throughout Redditch & Worcestershire, creating ecommerce, 360 degree, illustrated product images as well as lifestyle styled creations, for all forms of products, for use in retail, promotion and advertising. YRSCommercial, Redditch Product Photography.
YRSCommercial, photography & video for businesses in Worcestershire.
YRSCommercial, as product photographer working thoughout Redditch, we're asked to photography or video a huge range of products from food to electronics. Some clients want it simple on white (Amazon style) others to support ediroital. And yes, we can and do the lot.
Thanks to the growth in business use of the Internet over the last decade, we are doing more and more website product photography and not just for print and POS. This has resulted in us working with technology products such as ear phones and cellphones, cosmetics, engineering, food products, stationary and fine writing instruments, furniture and fabrics or household goods and jewellery. The important distinction we're trying to make here is the type of client, as many of the images are similar and clipped to transparent or white backgrounds. We have a huge range of clients very large to very small, but essentially the same image process when it comes to product photography, which we have now perfected to low cost and high volume.
However, not all our product work is clipped a large proption is lifestyle - creating the images for advertising, banners, leaflets etc. And we're very please to say this is a major area of growth for us.
YRSCommercial, Redditch Product Photographer. Ecommerce photography, a Worcestershire catalogue photographer, Worcestershire product photographer. ** NOTE: for food productphotography, why not have a look at the food pages. Shipping charges for collection or return are charged additionally. Images will be sent via WeTransfer.
Much of our website photography of product is for clients who see the Internet as their bricks and mortar business. The images are sized to the internet and so are the budgets. This means we have a huge variety of clients from the likes of Dobbies retailers to small artisan jewellers fresh from design school.
As a commercial product photography and packaging (pack shot) specialist, we have purpose built product benches and backdrops to handle all sorts of product photography - large or small, high key or in set piece photographs.
Using the studio benches we can quickly cope with high volume catalogue photography commissions.
Using our facilities we offer product photography services to manufacturers and retailers across Redditch & indeed the UK - as many ship their products to us - these being later returned under secure delivery. Our internal team has clipping and masking skills so we can touch-up existing, as well as new images of any products, large or small complex or simple. YRSCommercial, Product Photographer Redditch.
Yes, much of the product we shoot is small - it's shipped to us via post or courier. But we do also get asked to shoot larger items here in the studio - sofas, fine dining tables, engineering products and machines. On such occasions we often suggest bringing the studio to the client - lighting, backdrops to isolate the item etc. Again like with the set-piece images - we work a brief out first, visiting your business to do an on-site inspection for space if necessary, lighting and of course understand the item, its shape and how it will be used. This then lets us propose clear ideas and scamps for you to work alongside with.
Many of our client use Brandbank and Ocado. We shoot to the specification of both these businesses. We just charge a lot less than they do.
So, if you sell with these or use their brand facilties, now you have a low cost alternative that shoots to their specification.
We've seen huge growth in the use of these platforms over the last few years - indeed we're a heavy user of them for the food photography styling props we buy. We also have a growing customer base that sell their products online through them. We offer a very simple solution. Send us the products (as maany are desktop sized), and we can shoot a simple lifestyle image or clipped to white for a special Esty and NOTHS price - which is below £10 per image. We do require you to give us 20 items to shoot though as a starting point. That is less than £10 for a finished image clipped and presented, resized and delivered by WebTrans for immediate upload. If you send us more than 20 items, there's a further volume discount so give us a call or drop uus details using our contact form.
As you would expect from a food photography studio a lot of the product we shoot is food - not just household items or cosmetic etc. Much of the product we do to clipped is packaged and often for the likes of Brandbank or Ocado, its rare that we shoot products out of packaging clipped unless its something like baked goods where there is a trend to add the item e.g. biscuit to a landscape scene in the background. Then we clipped th item to PNG. You can get loads more information on this side of the business on the food pages.
Many of out clients like to take a product shot and overlay it on another image - city scenes, landscapes etc. We produce images on request to PNG - or a transparent background. You just have to tell us. Post Production Services.
YRSCommercial, Product Photographer Redditch.
YRSCommercial & YRSFood. Redditch Commercial, Business, Industrial, Food, Architectural, Interiors , Press & Product Photography. YRSCommercial, photography & video for businesses in Worcestershire.